Spiced Honey Carrots with Whipped Feta

Spiced Honey Carrots with Whipped Feta

Prep Time
Cook Time
Total Time
  • As many carrots as you want! We'll let you be the judge (scrubbed; no need to peel)
  • 1 tin of chickpeas, rinsed and dried
  • 1 1/2 cup of thick Greek yoghurt
  • 200g of feta, crumbled
  • 1 Tbsp smoked paprika for your carrots
  • 1 big Tbsp of honey, runny
  • 2tsp chilli paste (we recommend harissa paste, but we also used asian style flakes chili in oil)

For the salsa verde:

  • Fresh italian parsley or coriander
  • Juice of half a lemon (you can also use the zest to top up your dish)
  • Olive oil
  • S & P

  1. Preheat your oven @190 C on fan bake
  2. On a baking tray place your carrots and coat with olive oil, spices, S&P. Shake until well coated and roast for 25 mins.
  3. In the meantime, mix up the greek yoghurt and feta. Place on your plating dish as a thick layer and set aside.
  4. Once the carrots are almost done take them out of the oven, add your chickpeas to the tray, ass a splash of olive oil, S&P and shake! Return the tray to the oven for another 10-15 min
  5. For the salsa verde: chop your herbs and add olive oil, lemon juice, salt & pepper. Give it a good mix and put aside.
  6. When your carrots are ready, take out of the oven and add honey & chilli paste. Shake, shake, shake until everything is sticky!
  7. Place your carrots and chickpeas on the yoghurt/feta bed, top up with a splash of lemon juice (and zest if you would like), a splash of olive oil and your salsa verde. Taste and see if the dish needs a bit more salt & pepper.
  8. Serve warm or at room temperature. Enjoy!

Watch the video here