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Rain Rain Go Away!

Misfit Garden
July 19, 2024
5 min read

If things couldn't be hard enough for farmers at the moment with staff shortages & rising costs, the recent rain has been a bit of a kick in the teeth.

A lot of crops have been damaged, plus it's now too wet to plant new ones.

Combine this with fact that supermarkets only want 'perfect' produce (which is hard to harvest when eleventy-billion litres of rain have fallen in a week...) means that things are a little tough at the moment for our farmers.

We're happy that we can help a bit. By getting this slightly rain damaged, slightly misfit, but still delicious produce into our boxes. Here's to the farmers! (and hopefully some good weather soon



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We are a subscription box with a conscience; we connect farmers and every day kiwis closer together.

Instead of telling growers what we want (which is how the food system usually works) we speak to them each week to find out what is already grown and what is needing a home.

In your Misfit Box you can expect the 'too big', the 'too small', the 'too misfit', as well as some damn fresh produce (the way it's meant to be!)

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