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Morning Glory, Anyone?!

Misfit Garden
July 19, 2024
5 min read

At Misfit Garden we want to make eating and cooking veggies exciting again!

We want people to have the chance to try new veggies that can't be found at the supermarket.

In last week's box, we were lucky enough to get our hands on some water spinach; this is also known as Morning Glory! Not actually related to spinach at all, water spinach is a long, leafy green vegetable with hollow stems that grows in water or damp soil . As a semi-aquatic tropical plant, it grows abundantly in natural waterways in Southeast Asia, where it is native.

This leafy veg its best enjoyed in stir-fries and both the leaves and stem are edible. Keep in mind the stalks will take a wee bit longer to cook than the leaves, so we recommend to add the leafy top bit at the end of your cooking.

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We are a subscription box with a conscience; we connect farmers and every day kiwis closer together.

Instead of telling growers what we want (which is how the food system usually works) we speak to them each week to find out what is already grown and what is needing a home.

In your Misfit Box you can expect the 'too big', the 'too small', the 'too misfit', as well as some damn fresh produce (the way it's meant to be!)

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