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We Carrot About Our Farmers

Misfit Garden
July 19, 2024
5 min read

This Thursday we went to Ohakune on a rescue mission and brought home 300kgs of carrots, 200kgs of parsnips and 100kg of swede!

With just the carrots alone, WE SAVED OVER 96,600 LITRES OF WATER!!


(because don't forget, when you throw away food you also throw away all the resources that went into producing it).


It's always so so hard to see perfectly edible food be thrown away, especially when a farmer has put all their money and resources into growing it. The farmers over-plant to make up for their losses when their carrot crops are Misfit (usually 50% of the crop is rejected!)
So when a crop comes out the paddock that is majority straight, it goes to waste anyways! So these poor carrots are just surplus! They didn't even do anything wrong 😭😅


Thanks to all our amazing customers & subscribers we are able to get this food back into the system; into everyday Kiwi households PLUS distributed around numerous charities. Hoorah!

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We are a subscription box with a conscience; we connect farmers and every day kiwis closer together.

Instead of telling growers what we want (which is how the food system usually works) we speak to them each week to find out what is already grown and what is needing a home.

In your Misfit Box you can expect the 'too big', the 'too small', the 'too misfit', as well as some damn fresh produce (the way it's meant to be!)

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