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What is Misfit Produce?

Misfit Garden
July 19, 2024
5 min read

This is Tarun. He is awesome. He helps mange his family orchards, where they usually grow apples. Luckily for us Misfits this year they have branched (see what we did there?) into stone fruit! Plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots... you name it, they have it.

All of the fruit in their orchard is subject to a grading process; things get split into Tag1, Tag2 and reject shapes. In certain crops up to 50% can be rejected, just for being the wrong shape. At Misfit Garden, we buy this fruit before it's been graded. So in your boxes you can expect massive, mini, medium and everything else in between!


This week we have Hunny Nectarines & Sunrise Apples in our Misfit boxes, and Golden Tatura Peaches & Giant Louisa Plums in our fruit boxes!


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We are a subscription box with a conscience; we connect farmers and every day kiwis closer together.

Instead of telling growers what we want (which is how the food system usually works) we speak to them each week to find out what is already grown and what is needing a home.

In your Misfit Box you can expect the 'too big', the 'too small', the 'too misfit', as well as some damn fresh produce (the way it's meant to be!)

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